Kristen Vake KBJR6.COM
Planning for takeoff: Iron Range airport officials talk future plans
November 9, 2021
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  • HIBBING, MN. (KBJR) – Ideas were taking flight in Hibbing Tuesday night as the Range Regional Airport looks to the future.

    For the last year, the Chisholm-Hibbing Airport Authority and Range Regional Airport officials have been working on a master plan.

    From evaluating current terminal capacity and expansion opportunities, to a potential runway extension to meet aircraft performance requirements.

    Officials say the goal is to make sure Range Regional can meet aviation demand over the next 20 years and beyond.

    Those involved with the project say they want to hear from community members as the plan takes shape.

    Another public meeting is planned for early 2022, but in the meantime, you can learn more about the master plan here.