Colin Mayfield WSAW-TV (WI)
New Improvements at Merrill Airport
July 23, 2013
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  • The Merrill Municipal Airport has waited 10 years for a project supporters say will bring in business and make a higher class of airport.

    The improvements made to it are there to serve business traffic, corporate flights leaving or coming to Merrill.

    This in itself opens a gateway to the community for businesses to settle in Merrill, or at least do business there.

    Not only will this help in the economic aspect, it will help in the daily routines of getting aircraft off the ground.

    Some of the major projects added since the start of the project in 2003 are a parallel taxiway for the main runway. This allows safer take-offs and landings during bad weather conditions.

    Plus a high tech system that will escort medium and large size corporate jet aircraft safely into the airport.

    Airport Manager, John Miller told us, “We have a new state-of-the-art landing system. It’s a GPS LPV system that guides the aircraft to the runway off of satellites.”

    The FAA funded more than 90% of the project, giving the municipal airport more than $11 Million in grants. The remainder of the money came from the Wisconsin Bureau of Aeronautics and the City of Merrill, including some tax dollars.