Airport grant potential tops Council agenda
May 21, 2013
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  • The Blytheville City Council is expected to consider a resolution tonight (Tuesday) that aids the Blytheville Airport Commission in securing a $240,000 grant from the Federal Aviation Administration.

    The funds would be used to construct Phase 1 of a multi-phased project to install security fencing at the Municipal Airport.

    “Phase 1 will include fencing from the northeast corner of the property south along the east line and then west across the south line of the property,” Robert Chatman of Miller-Newell Engineers Inc. wrote in a letter addressed to Mayor James Sanders. “Phasing will allow the airport to approach this project using smaller increments of matching monies.”

    According to Chatman, the FAA now funds 90 percent of the cost with 10 percent coming from the city/Airport Commission.

    He wrote that the Arkansas Department of Aeronautics will reimburse the 10 percent when the project is complete.

    To proceed, the FAA requires that the City Council adopts a resolution authorizing the mayor to apply for the grant on behalf of the Airport Commission.

    Other items on the agenda include:

    — Second reading of an ordinance prohibiting the harboring of fertile dogs and cats.

    — An ordinance designating persons primarily responsible for the collection of fines assessed in the District Court of Mississippi County. The measure calls for the city collector and chief of police to serve that role.

    — A resolution endorsing D&L Inc. to participate in the tax-back program.

    — A resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into a lease agreement with the University of Arkansas acting on behalf of the Arkansas Archeological Survey. The resolution calls for Arkansas Aeroplex Building 1244 to be subleased from July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2015, for $10,000 annually.

    The Council is scheduled to meet at 5 p.m. tonight in the Blytheville District Courtroom. Prior to the meeting — at 4 p.m. — there will be a special Parks and Recreation meeting. The guest speaker will be Shunquetta Cunningham of Kharis Grant and Services. She will be discussing the Arkansas Outdoor Recreation 50/50 Matching Grant.