State Aviation Program Garners National Recognition
September 4, 2012
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  • Program gives advice to law enforcement officers responding to airports

    A Kansas program developed to provide legal and tactical advice to law enforcement officers called to airports has received national recognition.

    The “Ops for Cops” program, organized by the Kansas Department of Transportation’s Aviation Division, was awarded the National Association of State Aviation Officials’ Education Program Award.

    KDOT made the announcement Tuesday in a news release.

    “We knew the program was adding real value to the law enforcement community when the Kansas Peace Officers Association sought out the program for their annual conference,” said Ed Young, aviation director.

    “Ops for Cops” was presented jointly by KDOT, the Drug Enforcement Administration, Transportation Security Administration, local law enforcement and airport management groups.

    In the past year, the program was offered in El Dorado, Johnson County, Pratt and Hutchinson, KDOT said, and is scheduled for several other communities in the coming months.

    The award, which was established in 1993 to recognize state aviation agencies for educating and motivating the public through outreach efforts, will be presented Sept. 11 in Salt Lake City.